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Icons of the "Ingredients" tab

Indicates flour protein levels
Clicking on the number in% allows you to change the protein content of the flour.

Show the absorption rates of flour. This parameter has an influence on the water to be added to reach the target hydration rate
- A click on the number in% allows to change the absorption rate of the flour. 60% is the standard rate.
- If the absorption rate management option is active, the absorption rate of the 3 flours makes it possible to automatically adjust the weight of the water to reach the rate of hydration felt by the hand (and not the rate mathematical).

Absorption management option Not Active.
The rate of absorption of the flour will not be taken into account in the calculation of the weight of the water to reach the target hydration rate (mathematical rate of water weight / total weight of flour).

Active absorption management option.
- The absorption rate of the flour will not be taken into account in the calculation of the weight of the water to reach the target hydration rate based on the feeling in the hand.
- The absorption rate is corrected to take into account the absorption rates of your flour


Rate of hydration "felt" and rate of hydration "theoretical"
At the top of the hydration rate which takes into account the absorption rates of your flour (target rate felt in hand)
Below is the mathematical hydration rate (weight of water / total weight of flour).
Icons for "Extra Ingredients"
Allows you to add an ingredient to the dough
Useful for pizzas, breads with seeds, brioches (butter, cream, sugar)

Complementary ingredient in bread
Indicate in the upper banner the added special ingredients. The hydration rate of these ingredients is counted in the calculation of the total hydration rate.

Show the hydration level of the ingredient
- The hydration rate of the additional ingredients allows you to adjust the weight of the water to add.
- 20% means that your ingredient contains 20% water, ie 100g of the ingredient adds 20g of liquid.

Long "tap" (click) allows you to enter the ingredients removal mode. In this mode the background of the ingredient zones turns pink.
- Once the ingredient deletion mode is selected, either clicking on the trash icon or sliding your finger to the left allows you to delete the ingredient
- To exit this mode, a "tap" (click) on a non-active area of the ingredient allows you to exit from "delete" mode.