Tost Corp. fabrique ses produits en France,
le support est assuré par mail en France
Icons of the "Bread" tab

Show that the preparation is done with a robot.
When the icon is crossed out, the recipe is done by hand
Clicking on this icon will switch to kneading / mixing mode (kneading) by hand.
The selection of the type of robot is to be made in the "settings" (menu at the top right)
Friction 1°C
Indicates the temperature increase associated with kneading
Depending on the time and the kneading mode, the friction will increase. In manual mode the friction will be much lower than with a robot

Dough division - Show a rest / relaxation of 15 minutes after dividing the dough
A tap on this icon allows you to add or delete this dough resting time

Shaping: show for this step that the dough shaping action must be performed.
A click on this icon allows you to add or remove the shaping for this step

Indicates that this step includes a temperature setting
A click on this icon allows you to add or delete the temperature setting for this step
Clicking on this icon switches from Automatic mode to Manual mode

Fully AUTOMATIC time or temperature calculation mode. The time is calculated according to the ambient temperature selected for this fermentation step.

Fully MANUAL time or temperature calculation mode (user choice)
One click switches from Automatic mode to Manual mode. For fermentation times, Manual mode will freeze the duration of a step, the other steps in Automatic mode will adapt to obtain the correct overall fermentation time.
Dough Temp.
24°C (manual)
Indicates the expected temperature of the dough at the end of kneading or at the start of autolysis / fermentolysis.
The "Manual" mode is active when the user has manually selected his temperature.
The "Auto" mode adjusts the temperature to your protocol mode.
>> It is advisable to measure the temperature of the dough at the end of kneading or at the end of autolysis to readjust this temperature in order to be more precise on the fermentation times which is based on the internal temperature of the dough in addition to ambient fermentation temperature.

Recipe START Date and Time icon .
When the start date / time is set the end date / time is automatically calculated.
A click allows you to select the date and time of the start of the recipe.
This selection remains valid until the next click on this icon which switches to "Now"

Le début de la recette n'est pas figé, il est MAINTENANT ("Now") et donc varie au fur et a mesure de l'ajustement de la recette.
A click allows you to select and therefore freeze Date and Time of the start of the recipe.
>> It is advisable once the ingredients are ready to mix it (frasage) to click on this icon to set the start time of the recipe.

Recipe END Date and Time icon.
One click allows you to select the date and time of the end of the recipe. When the End date / time is selected the Start date / time is automatically adjusted.

Advanced one-off chargeable features
A click on this icon or on the icon of the function concerned will trigger the payment procedure.

Show the type of product to be baked (bread, brioche and pizza), and the shape of the breads (ball, loaf, baguette)
The shape of the bread has an impact on the temperature and the baking time. This choice is therefore to be properly configured.

Bread x2
Show by the text "Bread x2" the number of loaves of the batch
- A click on " Bread x2 " allows you to select the number of breads in the batch
- A click on " 1.08Kg " allows you to select the weight of each loaf or product to be made (here 542g is the unit weight)
General icons (Upper menu)

The size of the window is adjustable in height. This function includes copying the recipe, adding notes and photos, deleting notes and photos in progress.
The size of the window is adjustable in height. This function includes copying the recipe, adding notes and photos, deleting notes and photos in progress.

Open the notepad of the recipe which includes text and photos.
The size of the window is adjustable in height. This function includes copying the recipe, adding notes and photos, deleting notes and photos in progress.

The size of the window is adjustable in height. This function includes copying the recipe, adding notes and photos, deleting notes and photos in progress.
Allows you to share your recipes on WhatsApp, e-mail, SMS, Facebook, etc ... simply with other people by sending the full text of your protocol
Recipe Note Block Icons

Delete the current Note or Photo

Erases the text content of the current note

Delete the current Note or Photo

Add a photo from the photo gallery or via a photo that you can take immediately

Copy the text of the current recipe into the current note

Allows you to adjust the vertical size of the notepad window